How to cancel your account
If you ever need to cancel your ReelCrafter plan, you can do so at any time during your current billing period.
Depending on the type of plan you have, the cancellation process may differ slightly. For monthly subscriptions, the cancellation will take effect on the next monthly renewal date. For annual subscriptions, the cancellation will take effect on the next annual renewal date.
When you cancel your plan, you'll be given the option to move to a discounted "Hold" plan. This option will allow you to keep your reels and files in your account, and your embedded players will remain active. However, your reels will be deactivated until you remove the Hold.
Alternatively, you may choose to switch to our limited Free plan after removing any reels and media that exceed the current Free plan quotas.
To cancel your plan, simply click the "Cancel Account" button in your Account Billing section.