Sharing reels on social media with images and custom text

To share a reel, simply paste the reel URL the same way you share any other third-party content on your favorite social channels.

Tips for sharing your reels on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with an image
When you share a reel on social media, ReelCrafter will serve up rich content to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This includes the reel title, an image, and your bio (if any of these are visible on that particular reel). If your reel has none of these available, a ReelCrafter logo will accompany your post instead. 

You can also customize the preview image, title, and description in the “Social Sharing” tab on the reel detail page. For the best appearance across platforms, we recommend choosing a horizontal image and using short captions for both the title and description.

Correct image or text not showing?
If you share a reel URL for the first time, you may not see the preview image or text. However, once you hit post, the content should be pulled from ReelCrafter's server. Keep in mind that if you make changes to your reel or social sharing settings and share the reel again on the same platform, your preview may not reflect the current content because the previous image and text were cached on their servers.

If the correct image is still not showing after your first attempt to post, or you made changes to your social sharing image or text, you can use the links below to force the site to look for updated content:

Facebook -
Twitter -
LinkedIn -

Don’t forget that you can always upload any image of your choice and include the direct URL to your reel in any social post (the same way you would share a photo, etc.). This will give you control over the appearance if you aren't satisfied with how the social sites are previewing the rich content for your reel link.

What about Instagram?
Instagram does not support rich content URL sharing the same way other social channels do. If you want to share a reel on Instagram, you will need to upload your own imagery in the app and include the reel URL in your post text. Because URLs are not hyperlinked in the Instagram app, we recommend creating a short personalized URL so your followers can easily type it in to view your reel. 

Animated GIF sizes
If you are using an animated GIF anywhere on your reel, you need to be aware of file size limits in order for the social link to preview your reel properly. If your animated GIF is too large, some sites may default to using no images at all in the post. 

Facebook - 8MB 
Twitter - 5MB

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