Image Gallery block: Showcase multiple images
In addition to using the primary Media block, Professional users can also display images using the advanced Image Gallery block. The Image Gallery block will allow you to show images in various grid layouts anywhere on your reel.
Add Image Gallery
To add an Image Gallery block:
- Hover in the center of the Reel Builder and between (or above/below) the blocks where you want to add the images until the plus sign icon appears.
- Click the plus sign to open the block menu.
- In the bottom half of the menu, select “Image Gallery” to insert the new block (block names are sorted by Basic and Advanced blocks, and appear alphabetically in the menu).
Image Gallery Settings
The Image Gallery block offers multiple settings for your images:
- Aspect Ratio (how images will be cropped for display): 16:9, 3:2, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4, 2:3, or 9:16
- Number of columns to display: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12
- Download settings: Allow the viewer to download the original image files
- Full page width: Set the image gallery to span the entire width of the page (otherwise, it will be constricted to 1100px wide)
Additional image settings
To edit details on individual images, click the pencil icon below the image to set the following:
- URL: Make an image a clickable link
- Caption: Add a caption to appear below the image in the reel
- Alt Text: Set Alt Text to make your reel accessible for screen readers
Be sure to click “ Save Changes” after updating the settings for an image.
Deleting images
To delete any image in the gallery, click the red minus icon below the image.