Setting the name of a downloaded reel ZIP file

When you set a reel as downloadable in the share link settings you can choose the name of the ZIP file that is generated.

If you do not enter a name, the name of the ZIP file generated is determined by the reel title and contact info settings for that particular reel.

Title block visible:
The ZIP file will use your reel name as the file name.

Example: Your ReelCrafter Reel

Title block hidden, and contact info name shown:
The ZIP file uses the name from the contact information on the reel, and the date of the download as the file name.

Example: Reel from John Doe

Title block hidden, and contact info name is hidden:
The ZIP file uses "A ReelCrafter Reel" and the date of the download as the file name.

Example: A ReelCrafter Reel

NOTE: When the reel title is not included in the file name, the date is added to make it easier to distinguish between multiple reel downloads with the same name.

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